Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thlog #2

I can honestly say reading, “Shelly’s Quick Guildes for Writing Teachers:Critical Reading Assignments” help me write my PB1b. Although I already used some of these writing strategy I also learned a few new ones that were very useful. It also gave me a better understanding on how to break down reading because reading is more than just reading with your eyes. When you atually understand the contxt in the writing it helps you in the long run when you try to write your own paper, article, recommandation request, etc. To be honest I heard of the words genre, convention, and rhetoric before but to atually understand their true meaning, would have been a little tough in the beginning of the semester.

My professor, Zack De Pierois a very different but great person to teach this reading/writing course, I plan to vaccum all his useful reading and writing techniques. I can already feel myself growing as a write and when I’m reading now im sometimes look for diffent convention and genres. All in all im very thrilled  to be in this class. I asked a friend of mine can she help me with one of my assignment and she looked at it and said,”I don’t how to do this”and it was funny to me because she took this course last semester. That said, I’m glad to have this course taught the way Zack teaches it. I know im only going to get better and better and by the time this course is done I hope I can thoroughly “read like a writer”.

            What really stood out to me in the article is “three positions”. I thnk that’s very interesting when reading writing because its important to identify the different writer’s position. Also identify the reader’s position on writer’s position, whether they agreeor disagree with the author’s main point. Some things I may still have to work on is understanding rhetoric features a little better and get toal grasp on genres. Im confident with the help of my professor and a lot of studying that by the end of this course I can be very proud of where I’m at with the different ways to read and write.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


             My genre for project building two is reader's perception. The different ways people perceive other people is the similar to how readers read articles, essay papers, and etc. One technique someone may use to read a piece of writing is to first skim it. Skimming is a very useful tactic. For instance, a book’s title may not stick-out to the reader so he/she might want to skim the book to figure out if this is something they are willing to read. Many learners find it is helpful to employ a skimming strategy when they need to quickly ascertain the gist of a text. Again it all depends on the person’s strategy of reading but I would agree that skimming is a fast yet useful strategy when reading. Entertainment, fun little facts and also significant people are all things that can attract your audience when reading.

            Things you might use skimming to do:

  • Browse through a book to see if you want to read it
  • Flick through a catalogue for good offers
  • Look through one’s application for job history and to see if their availability fits the job requirements  
  • Also tests and quizzes to see the difficulty of the questions


 A reader’s perception on reading is so key to how that person really understands the text. Now as mentioned in the previous paragraph, one’s reading strategy all depends on the person. Another some people prefer is visual literacy~ the ability to interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from the information presented in the form of an image. Some students actually need images to help them read and understand texts. Just as some people use words on a paper to present an image in one’s mind so, some people are the total opposite they use images to help them better understand the text. For example, cities put up signs on the street to notify drivers that the upcoming road is going to be curvy without using any words at all.


Examples of Visual Literacy:

Image result for curvy road ahead sign


Image result for visual literacy


                Another reading strategy people may want to use is annotating. This strategy will help you keep track of the main idea. What I mean by that is some people can read a whole article and not have a clue what the article is about. Now there are different ways to annotate. You annotate every paragraph, right down words you may or may not know and define them, or highlight interesting information. What is annotating? It’s adding notes to a text or diagram. This is a very useful technique {as well as the other previous techniques I mentioned above} to not only read but understand what your reading.


            According to the author, Mike Bunn in the article “How to Read Like a Writer” he talks about how important it is to identify choices the author made so you may get a better understanding how such choices may end up in your own paper. By the end of this paper you should be very intoned on how to not just read words on a paper nut actually understand the text and now read “like a writer”.

Friday, October 7, 2016