Monday, November 7, 2016

thlog 1

This past essay I did for English 101-108 was a little challenging. With everything going on, as far as the septa strike it’s been little hard to concentrate on just my school work. But as far as this essay is concerned I had struggles staying on topic and giving relevant information that supports my topic. I have confidence in myself that I can be a very good writer as well as a reader by the end of this course. Zack’s feedback meant a lot to me because the things he advised me to work on I already beat myself up about. So that mean we’re both seeing my problems and seeing eye to eye. Also when I receive feedback from either y professor or my fellow peers it helps me tremendously. I also like that little activity we did in class when I paired up with two other students and we have to give our own opinion on one another’s papers. As we also discussed, and which is ver important is how on should critique one’s paper. I think the fact that most or all of our writing assignments are about writing and not and a specific question about an article or something of that sort is really different for me. It’s challenging yet it’s a challenge I willing to take on.

Something else that I wanted to mention about this course so far is the different way Zack teaches is really benefitting me how I look at reading and writing. For instance, when he used the little dolls to explain how one’s mind should think about reading and writing. I just thought that was a very useful yet unique way to break down writing specifically for me. All and all I’m not too proud of my performance thus far this course but I see things getting much better for me.

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